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"Wish you to have all peace, health and prosperity."
mit bulandshahr
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Computer Science & Engineering Department

The Department of Computer Science and information Technology was Established in 1999. It is a self driven proactive Nerve Center which caters to the ever growing Technology. In the sphere of academic, Research and Training needs of Computing Concept, tools and Technologies in the Profession of Computer Science and Information Technology. Department is Constantly being Upgraded to the Fast Growing Technology to meet the Challenging Requirements.

The Importance of Information Technology has gained wide spread recognition in most part of the World. Thanks to the Advancement in Computer and Internet Technology. Information technology is the Use, study or Production of Technologies to store Process and Transmit Information and Deal with Information process Storage and Transmission . The Present Focus is an IT. In Education, Which is the Development and application of Information Technology to achieve desired Educational Objectives

Objective: To Recognize the potential and talent of our students and offer them a platform for literary and creative Expressions.


The department is proud of its laboratories. They are spacious, well laid out and have all experiment set ups for B.Tech students. The department has three well equipped labs:

Computer Science & Engineering Lab

  1. Operating System Lab

  2. Project Lab

  3. DBMS Lab

  4. Software Engineering Lab

  5. Computer Graphics Lab

  6. Programming Lab

  7. Web Technology Lab

  8. Artificial Intelligence Lab

  9. Computer Organigation Lab

  10. M I S Lab


  1. Central Computing Center: Department has central computing center (CCC) having 90 high and Computing Machine and round the clock internet facility with BSNL boradband. The Desktop are Configured with latest Licensed software to Enhance the computing and IT enabled Skills of the Student.

  2. Digital Library: The library has access to online 586 international Journals of SPRINGER Publications


  1. Programming and Aptitude/Reasoning Skills

  2. TechFest

  3. Work Shops

  4. Seminars

  5. Technical Talks

  6. Industrial Visits


G.S.Mandal has achieved its goals of carving technologies that will contribute to the industrial developments and nation building. It is constantly ...

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